Thursday, March 30, 2017

What Does Rotary Mean to You? Flavia Berti's Rotary Story

Flavia Berti, president, co-owner and founder of  Equipaws Pet Services, is one of the more dynamic members of the Rotary Club of South Miami and her work with the South Miami Rotary Art Festival Committee, especially on the marketing end, but also through her committee leadership and brilliant ideas, has been instrumental in its continued success!

Flavia also has taken over planning and hosting of our Rotary socials, and the last two socials at TamboWorks and Lincoln's Beard Brewery would not have been possible without her! Flavia truly is one of the Rotary Club of South Miami's All-Stars!

RCSM ( Rotary Club of South Miami ) "Who introduced you to Rotary?"

Flavia, "Brett ( Brett Trembly, one of our past presidents) actually brought me into Rotary. He mentioned Rotary at a BNI meeting, and I was kinda over BNI at the time with it being so business oriented, so Brett first mentioned bringing me into the Arts Festival by having doggy hydration stations. And then, Brett told me what Rotary is about, being volunteered based, but also having a business side and I said, 'That is totally up my alley!' Because, that's how I grew up, our parents always used to do things for others like galas, and I was always helping my mother with others."

RCSM, "So, you were brought in by the Community Service aspect?"

Flavia, "Yes"

RCSM, "What is your Favorite Rotary memory?"

Flavia, "Well, I love the South Miami Rotary Arts Festivals, they are so much fun! I like everything that leads up to it, and I like the group that we work with, we have an awesome team!

RCSM, "Is there any Arts Festival that sticks out to you as being especially special?"

Flavia, "Well, I've only done two or three Arts Festivals, I have to check to be sure, I really can't pick one. I really like working the marketing side of this, involving the radio stations, and just trying to change things to help increase turnout, it's really a great festival and for a great cause! "

RCSM, "What would you like to see Rotary do? What would be your next great project?"

Flavia, "I would like to get together with the whole group and just see what everyone's interests are, and then pinpoint one. For example, Mari (Mari Chael, another club dynamo), would like to make our community more bike friendly. For me, it's more on the animal side, and I love working with Senior Citizens. It wouldn't have to be something I like, just something we can all work together on. One common project. I also love the "Best Buddies" program, and working with kids with disabilities."

Thank you so much Flavia for your continued service above self to Rotary and to our club!

Interview by Jeff McNabb

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