Monday, March 20, 2017

The Dynamism of Rotary

March 14, 2017 - This day of Fellowship was centered around the discussion about the purpose and the meaning of Rotary. Are we a business interest first organization or is service paramount? What is this engine behind the dynamism of Rotary? In changing evolving times, focuses for membership and recruitment lead to differing philosophies and frankly, no club can even exist without attracting new potential members. Ultimately, there is no doubting the original meaning of Rotary which was firmly established in 1910, specifically, to be of "service above self", still, one can come to service from differing initial premises.

An Email Conversation Develops Into a Discussion!

The principals of this discussion were two of our more distinguished members, namely, Dr. Michael Newman and Roy Gonas. Roy presented his coming to Rotary philosophy from the attitude of service first, leading to business relationships later, while Dr. Mike offered a different perspective as coming from an attitude of business interest leading to service later. The idea for this discussion was proposed by President Subrata Basu, based upon a long inter-club email conversation string originally titled "R2R and other Rotary ideas", began by myself. It should be noted, Subrata during this year actually has taken to heart initiating further Rotary education during our Fellowship weeks, and has been instrumental in getting these kinds of lectures and discussions started.

The Rotary Field at Murray Park!

Past president Michael Mills set the stage with his own Rotary Story while also adding in a bit of a "craft talk", in a sense, Mike combined the two approaches ( business and service) to be later discussed in more depth and detail. During Mike Mills' term as president, the Rotary Club of South Miami focused on community service projects centered in South Miami, in fact, it was during President Mills' term where we helped to install the lights for Murray Park's field, a project so impressive the field was named after our club and today and is still known as "The Rotary Field at Murray Park"! Mike also noted our newer members (including myself), while setting up very worthwhile service above self projects, have lost that South Miami focus, although, the current President, Subrata, has made considerable effort this year to refocus and to bring us back "home".

The Intersection between Commerce and Service!

Former District Governor, Roy Gonas, began the discussion by noting President Elect Felipe Vidal's follow up message to one of his responses in that email conversation string (needless to say, this was quite some conversation!). In Felipe's response, he backed up his case of a business first approach with a subject brought up at the recent PETS seminar (or the President Elect's Training Seminar) that topic being: Rotary, is "the intersection between Commerce and Service"! Felipe's Rotary philosophy dealt more with this continued and stronger emphasis on business networking. An idea where the "business first" approach can and will lead to a call to service later ( but, only for those who really want to do community service, those only joining Rotary for business interests, will naturally weed themselves out).

Service is Paramount!

"I'm going to get back to this later, however, remember this, Service above Self" Roy followed up, (and paraphrasing Roy's continuation) "Rotary began not as a business networking club, but more as a social club, an idea originated by its founder Paul Harris, a "lonely" young lawyer in 1905, where Harris and other young professionals would set up meetings in different offices, thereby rotating venues (although the name "Rotary" does not come from the office rotation idea, that's a myth), the key point, is that it worked! However, Rotary didn't officially change its focus, (and it did so rather dramatically) from being this social club to a service club until 1910. And, that switch to an emphasis on service first, this "service above self" attitude is what truly distinguishes us from other organizations. It is ultimately why Rotary, along with the privileged association of its remarkable members, those distinctions, these diversified classifications, those leaders made up of individuals defined by the very highest level of character, join in service as it is for service, for THAT is the heart and soul of Rotary, as service is paramount!

Business relationships develop naturally!

Mike Mills actually had a great response to this service first approach in his own answer, in that now famous or (is it infamous?) email conversation string. And I quote, "When business professionals and community leaders meet, my experience is that the business relationships and referrals come naturally."

 Not Tit for Tat!

Past president Dr. Michael Newman, followed up Roy with his response in regards to approaching Rotary this time from a business networking venture standpoint, although, Dr. Mike pointed out, "This is not a Tit for Tat, where Roy takes one side and I take the other". Dr. Mike began his Rotary lecture with his own Rotary story. Originally recruited in 1979, by a PR Marketing guy, first name of Buzz, Dr. Mike joined both the Rotary Club located in downtown Miami as well as the "Progress" club ( a BNI equivalent business networking club ). He was with the Progress club for 5 years and it did help him grow his practice. And, after about a year and a half of commuting to downtown Miami, Dr. Mike needed a new Rotary club that was closer, and so introduced by Jesse Cruz, Dr. Mike joined the Rotary Club of South Miami in 1980 and has been a member ever since.

The Dynamism of Rotary!

While Dr. Mike originally joined Rotary as a means to build his practice, over the years, he learned Rotary was more for service and not as much for business networking. In fact even recently when we've had visitors who, when introduced, almost gave commercials for their business it would be Dr. Mike who noted, publicly so, that while it's OK for professionals to come here, this is not a business networking club like a BNI. In fact to make his point, illustrating this dynamism of Rotary, Dr. Mike cited one of the avenues of Rotary service which is "Vocational service" a service that encourages Rotarians to serve others through their vocations. However, business AND service can be married with Rotary. One sure way (the ultimate way, noted by Dr. Mike) to build a business, is to build a rapport with the people who you want to build a rapport with, building upon these relationships with the people in your lives, and Rotary, being a service oriented organization, does just that! Dr. Mike went on further to note, all of us together are more than just friends we're a "Rotary family" and he would call upon nearly everyone of us if he needed a service.

This is an ongoing, continuing, and developing conversation, and a great one to have! For this discussion ultimately attempts to answer the pressing question all clubs must eventually ask, "How can our Rotary club grow?"

Thank you Mike Mills, Dr. Mike, Roy and especially Subrata for bringing up this topic!

by Jeff McNabb

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